Download SHARP SM-5A Debugger (v2.3.0)

Скачать SHARP SM-5A / КБ1013ВК1-2 Отладчик (v2.3.0)

Last update: 20 January 2024

Screenshot of SHARP SM-5A Debugger

Screenshot of SHARP SM-5A Debugger

The SHARP SM-5A microcontroller was used in specific Nintendo Game & Watch handheld games: ... as well as in handheld games from Tronica:
The КБ1013ВК1-2 microcontroller is a clone of the SHARP SM-5A microcontroller and it was used in Soviet Электроника games:

Check out also the gameplay algorithm for the Nintendo Game & Watch MC-25 "Mickey Mouse" / EG-26 "Egg", transcribed from the original ROM using SHARP SM-5A Debugger.
It is written in pseudo-code for easy porting to almost any platform supported by a higher-level language. You just need a little experience in programming.
This is not supposed to be the complete source code of the original device. Just the most crucial part - the primary game loop. It's up to you to build up the other features around it (i.e. display, input controls, time, alarm, etc.).
The algorithm is just for study and testing purposes. Not for commercial use!